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Din søgning gav: 2 resultater
  1. Billede af bogen The History of Slavery

    Senest opdateret 13. marts

    The History of Slavery

    Af Susanne Everett

    fra 1988 på forlaget Magna Books

    Kategorier: Antropologi, Historie:Kultur, Sociologi

    pris: 80 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 1225 gram

    Hardback, 253 sider plus register. Meget flot stand. Intakt smudsomslag. En del af siderne er en lille smule bølgede pga lidt fugt. History of Slavery tells the story of the development of slavery, describing the trans-Atlantic trade that brought 11 million slaves from Africa to the Americas in the course of 300 years and reviews the life of the slaves under the forcible subjugation and exploitation by other human beings. In strictly objective terms, this book deals with the historical controversies that have surrounded the study of slavery. Illustrated with over 300 pictures, including 40 in full color, drawn from archives around the world to highlight vital facets of the subject; it also includes eyewitness accounts and other documentary evidence that complement the text. The book also traces the history of the abolition movement, beginning in eighteenth-century England (one of the prime moves in establishing the slave trade in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries).

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  2. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 22. maj

    History of slavery

    Af Susanne Everett

    fra 1993 på forlaget Bison Group

    Kategori: Øvrige

    pris: 220 kr

    Sideantal: 254
    Indbinding: IB
    Indhold fremtræder ubrugt. Ubetydelige lagerspor.

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