Søg efter bog

Din søgning gav: 3 resultater
  1. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 14. april

    Textbook of Work Physiology (The McGraw-Hill Series in Health Education, Physical Education, & Recreation)

    Af Astrand, Per-Olof; Rodahl, Kaare

    på forlaget McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 1986

    pris: 255 kr – stand: ★★★

    Sideantal: 739
    Indbinding: Softcover
    Stand: Good
    Textbook of Work Physiology. 15 Chapters (739 pgs) looking at a variety of physiological concepts. For example, muscles and their contraction, respiration, physical performance, physical training, temperature regulation, factors affecting performance. Textbook of Work Physiology. 15 Chapters (739 pgs) looking at a variety of physiological concepts. For example, muscles and their contraction, respiration, physical performance, physical training, temperature regulation, factors affecting performance

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  2. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 14. april

    Alaskas sidste eskimoer

    Af Kaare Rodahl

    fra 1966 på forlaget Fremad

    Kategori: Grønland

    pris: 135 kr – stand: ★★★

    Sideantal: 164
    Indbinding: Hardback med smudsomslag.
    Stand: Pænt eksemplar
    Illustreret sort/hvid.. Illustreret sort/hvid.

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  3. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 30. maj

    Alaskas sidste eskimoer

    Af Rodahl, Kaare

    fra 1966 på forlaget Fremad

    Kategori: Øvrige

    pris: 70 kr

    Sideantal: 164
    Fremads rejsebøger. Halvfablea m. smudsomslag m. rift

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